RESPONSIBLE TO: Scoutmaster SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Preside at all troop meetings, events, and activities. Run the Patrol Leaders Council * Keep patrol leaders informed * Name appointed scout leaders with the advice and consent of the Scoutmaster * Assign duties and responsibilities to other leaders * Work with Scoutmaster in training junior leaders * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
RESPONSIBLE TO: SPL SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Help with leading meetings and activities as called upon by the senior patrol leaden * Take over troop leadership in the absence of the senior patrol leader * Perform tasks assigned by the senior patrol leader * Function as a member of the patrol leaders' council * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
RESPONSIBLE TO: Scoutmaster SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Help Scouts meet advancement requirements through First Class * Advise Patrol Leader on his duties and his responsibilities at Patrol Leaders' Council meetings * Attend Patrol Leaders' Council meetings * Prevent harassment of new Scouts by older Scouts * Help assistant Scoutmaster train new patrol leaders when they are elected * Guide new Scouts through early troop experiences to help them become comfortable in the troop and the outdoors * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
RESPONSIBLE TO: SPL SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Plan and lead patrol meetings and activities * Keep patrol members informed * Assign each patrol member a job and help them succeed * Represent the patrol at all patrol leaders' council meetings * Prepare the patrol to take part in all troop activities * Develop patrol spirit * Work with other troop leaders to make the troop run well * Know what patrol members and other leaders can do * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
RESPONSIBLE TO: PL SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Assist the patrol leader in * planning and leading patrol meetings and activities * keeping patrol members informed * preparing your patrol to take part in all troop activities * Take charge of the patrol in the absence of the patrol leader * Help Represent the patrol at all patrol leaders' council meetings * Help develop patrol spirit * Work with other troop leaders to make the troop run well * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
RESPONSIBLE TO: SPL SPECIFIC DUTIES * Attend and keep a log of Patrol Leaders' Council meetings * Record meeting & campout attendance * Record advancement in troop records * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
RESPONSIBLE TO: SPL (and works with the troop committee member responsible for equipment) SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Keep records of patrol and troop equipment * Keep equipment organized and in good repair * Make sure patrols take care of equipment * Suggest new or replacement items * Work with troop committee member responsible for equipment * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
RESPONSIBLE TO: SPL SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Establish and maintain a troop library * Keep records on literature owned by the troop * Add new or replacement items needed * Have literature available for borrowing at troop meetings * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
RESPONSIBLE TO: SPL SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Gather pictures and facts about past activities of the troop and keep them in scrapbooks, wall displays, or information files * Take care of troop trophies and keepsakes * Keep information about troop alumni * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
RESPONSIBLE TO: Scoutmaster SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Function as an Assistant Scoutmaster (except for leadership responsibilities reserved for adults 18 and 21 years of age or older) * Accomplish any duties assigned by the Scoutmaster * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
RESPONSIBLE TO: SPL, Scoutmaster, Den Leader SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Serve as the activities assistant at den meetings * Meet regularly with the den leader to review the den and pack meeting plans * If serving as a Webelos den chief, prepare boys to join Boy Scouting * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |